Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's Official Now!

Hooray and Thank You, God- it is now really going to happen. Blue Cross gave their official OK to be billed once I am matched, and I was put on the list, right towards the top. There isn't a way to say that someone is "first". That is because of the variables. The organ has to come from a donor with my blood type, which is A+, and he or she also needs to be approximately my height. Therefore, I may have the highest lung allocation score of everyone with A+ blood, but if the donor is 6' tall, then I will not be offered the lungs because they will more than likely be too large. And so it was explained to me. Now we wait- I have a lot of paperwork to complete, plus I need to "get my affairs in order", whatever that means- I believe they are in order. Then I need to pack a small bag- I'm not too clear on what I need to take just yet- so I have written to ask Kelley a couple of questions, and then I'll be able to pack the bag this weekend. It reminds me of when I was pregnant- packing a bag to go to the hospital- just a little different. It is past my bedtime, but I promised myself that I would not go to bed tonight without reporting this. And I will try to write from time to time before I get "the call", and I will most definitely post that- but don't look for details- there won't be any time! And as to when I'm able to get back online afterwards- it is anyone's guess. I'll probably turn the job over to Stratton & let him Ghostwrite for me for a while.

1 comment:

  1. I think I speak for everyone who is following this when I say, 'Hallelujah!' and then breathe a small sigh of relief. :-)
